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Members take the lead in a police dog handling taster day.

In this most recent series of Career ‘taster’ sessions, WRPA members spent a full morning at the South Wales Police Dog Training Unit at Bridgend.

WRPA members were given an unique insight into the role of police dog handlers within the police service, allowing them to consider whether it may be a career option within the police service that they would wish to further explore. The session also served as an opportunity for members to learn some great dog training and handling skills that they could put into good use with their own domestic pets.

The first part of the day involved a detailed and informative classroom presentation, highlighting the history of the police use of dogs and the environment and situations in which police dogs are deployed; including the array of dangers that are sometimes faced.

After the classroom session, players visited the police dog kennelling and training grounds and were shown practical demonstrations of the skills and abilities of the police dogs that are used by the service. This included dogs especially used for their search capabilities and others used to apprehend fleeing offenders or even attack threatening and lethally armed criminals upon command.

The demonstrations were made even more enjoyable by the fact that the players were able watch close hand specialist explosive dogs identifying and indicating the location of hidden training materials, as well as witnessing several demonstrations’ where German Shepherds and Belgian Shepherd dogs were deployed to apprehend ‘stooge’ fleeing armed criminals. To the delight of players one volunteer ‘stooge’ chased and captured by the chasing dogs was their own WRPA development manager!

The WRPA would like to thank South Wales Police, especially the South Wales Dog Training unit. With special thanks to Sgt Ian Roderick and his spaniel Bella, Constable Phil Jones and his black spaniel Charlie and Constable Tony Murphy with his Shepherd dogs Zane and Seamus


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